Stay Away from Highly Optimistic People

Stay Away from Highly Optimistic People

LifeLessons Philosophy

Don’t be a pessimist or optimist be a realist. Author is a pessimist

Logic is a Excuse

One of the most dangerous traits of highly optimistic individuals is their inability to reason. If you tell them that a problem is unsolvable and needs better retrospection, or that task is simply improbable , they will point straight to you, asserting that the problem lies within you. They will preach optimism, turning a blind eye to the reality of the situation. This can leave you dumbfounded and, if you’re not careful, doubting yourself for the rest of your life. Remember, you are not a bad person. You are simply dealing with a highly optimistic individual who lacks a realistic approach to life. Well I am not Tony Stark


Take, for instance, the ideal gas equation, PV=nRT. A half-witted person who has just heard of this equation might believe that it applies to all gases in all conditions. If you try to reason with them, explaining that this equation applies to ideal gases and not real ones, they will straight-up tell you to be optimistic. This is a clear example of unrealistic optimism. You are not being pessimistic when you point out that the ideal gas equation doesn’t work in real-life conditions; you are being realistic.

Exceptions are Not Rules

For instance, we know that most metals are solid at room temperature. However, mercury, a metal, is liquid at room temperature. While it is essential to acknowledge these exceptions, it is equally important to understand that they do not negate the general rule.

Imagine a scenario where your teacher assigns a task to place all the metals on a desk and wait for them to melt at room temperature. Now, picture a half-witted individual who, knowing about mercury, claims that this task is possible. This is a clear example of the dangers of ignoring the fact that exceptions do not make the rules.

The humungous collection of abstract Noun and Adjective

Together we can Highly optimistic individuals often reveal themselves through their language and presentation. Often quoting random people from medieval times to validate their beliefs. Their language is filled with a plethora of optimistic words and phrases, such as ‘Yes We Can’, ‘Together we can’, ‘You are a hero’, and many more.

If you find yourself constantly bombarded with such language, it may be a sign that you are dealing with an individual who has lost touch with reality. They may lead you to a place where even they have no idea how to return, as they view the world as a La-La Land, devoid of challenges and hardships.

Happy Happy Happy

Imagine this: an intern has just dropped the database, causing a catastrophic failure in the project. And you expect me to be cool with it? Hell no! It’s my duty to show that clueless twit the harsh realities of life. If they screw up, they’ll get grilled, plain and simple.

This whole concept of “be nice, be happy, take a chill pill” in the face of adversity is utter bullshit. It’s not only unrealistic but also downright irresponsible. As a mentor or a leader, it’s our job to prepare those under our guidance for the real world. And the real world doesn’t give a shit about your positive attitude when you’ve just caused a massive screw-up.

The Hero Attitude

I am the hero

You’ve all encountered that one person who, despite having no clue about the situation or the plan, takes it upon themselves to lead the team. They see themselves as the hero in a Christopher Nolan film, the guardian angel who will address every critical situation with goodwill and optimism. But let me tell you, if you have such a mentor or leader, you are doomed.

These individuals are not leaders; they are dreamers, lost in their own fantasies. They lack the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of real-life situations. Instead, they rely on their unwavering optimism, believing that it will guide them through any challenge.


Who the fuck cares whether the glass is full or empty, I just don;t want a person to sell me belief that glass can fly.

Oh no…, If you’re still thinking about the possibility of a glass flying on the moon, then you’ve missed the point of this entire discussion.