Implementing Ordered Hash in Ruby

Implementing Ordered Hash in Ruby

Ruby Naming Conventions Code Readability

An ordered hash is a data structure that combines the functionality of a hash and a list. It allows you to store key-value pairs while preserving the order of insertion. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement an ordered hash in Ruby, step by step.

Step 1: Creating the OrderedHash Class

Let’s start by creating a new Ruby class called OrderedHash to encapsulate our ordered hash functionality. Open a new Ruby file, for example, ordered_hash.rb, and define the class as follows:

class OrderedHash
  # Our code implementation will go here

Step 2: Initializing the OrderedHash

Inside the OrderedHash class, we need to initialize two instance variables: @keys and @values. The @keys array will store the keys in the order of insertion, and the @values hash will store the corresponding key-value pairs. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def initialize
    @keys = []
    @values = {}

Step 3: Adding Key-Value Pairs

To add a key-value pair to the ordered hash, we’ll define the []= method. This method will check if the key already exists in the hash. If it does, it will update the value; otherwise, it will add the key to the @keys array and store the key-value pair in the @values hash. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def []=(key, value)
    if @values.key?(key)
      @values[key] = value
      @keys << key
      @values[key] = value

Step 4: Retrieving Values

To retrieve the value for a given key, we’ll define the [] method. This method will simply return the corresponding value from the @values hash. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def [](key)

Step 5: Deleting Key-Value Pairs

To remove a key-value pair from the ordered hash, we’ll create a delete method. This method will remove the key from the @keys array and delete the corresponding entry from the @values hash. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def delete(key)

Step 6: Iterating Over the Ordered Hash

To iterate over the ordered hash in the order of insertion, we’ll define the each method. This method will iterate over the @keys array, fetch the corresponding value from the @values hash, and yield both the key and value to a block. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def each
    @keys.each do |key|
      yield(key, @values[key])

Step 7: Retrieving Keys

To retrieve the keys in the order of insertion, we’ll define the keys method. This method will return a copy of the @keys array. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def keys

Step 8: Retrieving Values

To retrieve the values in the order of insertion, we’ll define the values method. This method will map over the @keys array and retrieve the corresponding values from the @values hash. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def values { |key| @values[key] }

Step 9: Converting to a Hash Representation

To convert the ordered hash into a regular Ruby hash representation, we’ll define the to_h method. This method will iterate over the @keys array, constructing a new hash with the key-value pairs from the @values hash. Add the following code inside the class:

class OrderedHash
  def to_h
    result = {}
    @keys.each { |key| result[key] = @values[key] }

Example Usage

Now that we have implemented the OrderedHash class, let’s see it in action with an example:

hash =
hash["apple"] = 5
hash["banana"] = 3
hash["cherry"] = 8

hash.each do |key, value|
  puts "#{key}: #{value}"

puts "Keys: #{hash.keys}"
puts "Values: #{hash.values}"
puts "Hash representation: #{hash.to_h}"

Running the above code will produce the following output:

apple: 5
banana: 3
cherry: 8
Keys: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
Values: [5, 3, 8]
Hash representation: {"apple"=>5, "banana"=>3, "cherry"=>8}

As you can see, the ordered hash maintains the order of insertion, allowing us to iterate over the elements in the same order they were added.


In this blog post, we learned how to implement an ordered hash in Ruby. By combining the Hash class and the Array class, we created a data structure that preserves the order of its elements while providing key-value functionality.

Implementing an ordered hash can be useful in various scenarios where maintaining insertion order is important, such as building ordered configurations, handling priority queues, or tracking historical events.

Feel free to use the provided OrderedHash class as a starting point for your own projects. Happy coding!