Essential Resources for Learning Ruby on Rails

Essential Resources for Learning Ruby on Rails

ruby on rails learning ruby web development

If you’re looking to learn Ruby on Rails, you’ll want to check out these essential resources. From online courses to books and tutorials, we’ve got you covered. I personally vouch for the recommended learning resources as I have used them myself and gained a lot of knowledge from them. These resources are not a part of any marketing or influencer strategy and are truly valuable gems for anyone looking to learn

Learn Ruby

Well defined rubyist

The Well-Grounded Rubyist, Book by David A. Black

Ruby Style Guide

A Ruby style guide is a set of recommendations and best practices for writing code in the Ruby programming language. It provides guidelines on aspects such as indentation, naming conventions, variable assignment, and code structure. Following a style guide can improve code readability and maintainability, reduce the likelihood of bugs and errors, and make it easier for multiple developers to work on the same project.

Check here

Learn Rails(REST Framework)

Testing in Rails

  • Why testing is important? (Most Important video I have ever found)

To read more about this topic, check out my previous post

  • Testing using Rspec

Rails open source project [Mastodon is my favourite]

Reading open source code for Rails projects can be particularly valuable for developers, especially those who are new to Ruby on Rails or who are looking to improve their skills. Here are some reasons why:

  • Reading open source code can provide insight into best practices, coding conventions, and design patterns specific to Ruby on Rails.
  • By reading the code of a Rails project, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the framework works and how its various components interact with one another.
  • If you’re interested in contributing to a Rails project or other open source projects in the Rails ecosystem, reading the code is an essential step.
  • Reading code written by experienced Rails developers can be an excellent way to improve your own coding skills.

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