Dup vs Deep Dup in Ruby

Dup vs Deep Dup in Ruby

Ruby Ruby Methods Dup vs Deep Dup

In Ruby, the methods dup and deep_dup are used to create copies of objects. While both seem similar, there is a crucial difference that developers need to understand. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between these methods, explore their use cases, and provide coding examples to illustrate their behaviors.

dup Method

The dup method in Ruby creates a shallow copy of an object. A shallow copy means that the new object is a duplicate of the original one, but it does not duplicate the objects referenced by the original object. Let’s take a look at some examples to understand this better.

Example 1: Shallow Copy of Arrays

original_array = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
copied_array = original_array.dup

copied_array[0] = 10
copied_array[2][0] = 30

puts original_array.inspect  # Output: [1, 2, [30, 4]]
puts copied_array.inspect   # Output: [10, 2, [30, 4]]

In this example, we create an original_array with three elements: an integer, another integer, and a nested array. We then use the dup method to create a copied_array. When we modify the value of an element in copied_array, it doesn’t affect the original_array. However, if we modify the nested array inside copied_array, it also affects the original_array.

deep_dup Method

While Ruby has a dup method, it doesn’t have a built-in deep_dup method. However, developers often implement their own version of the deep_dup method for custom objects that require deep copying. The purpose of deep_dup is to create a deep copy of an object, meaning it duplicates not only the object itself but also all objects referenced by it (recursively).

Example 2: Deep Copy of Arrays (Custom Implementation)

class Array
  def deep_dup
    map { |item| item.is_a?(Array) ? item.deep_dup : item.dup }

original_array = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
copied_array = original_array.deep_dup

copied_array[0] = 10
copied_array[2][0] = 30

puts original_array.inspect  # Output: [1, 2, [3, 4]]
puts copied_array.inspect   # Output: [10, 2, [30, 4]]

In this example, we define a custom deep_dup method for the Array class. The method uses recursion to handle nested arrays. When we apply the deep_dup method to original_array, it creates a separate copy of all elements and nested arrays. Now, changing the values of both the top-level array and the nested array in copied_array doesn’t affect the original_array.

Edge Cases and Considerations

1. Non-Array Objects

When using deep_dup on objects that are not arrays, it behaves like dup, creating a shallow copy.

original_number = 42
copied_number = original_number.deep_dup

copied_number += 10

puts original_number.inspect  # Output: 42
puts copied_number.inspect   # Output: 52

2. Circular References

Circular references in objects can lead to infinite recursion when using deep_dup. It is essential to handle such cases to avoid stack overflow errors.

class Node
  attr_accessor :data, :next_node

  def initialize(data)
    @data = data
    @next_node = nil

node1 = Node.new(1)
node2 = Node.new(2)

node1.next_node = node2
node2.next_node = node1

# This will result in a SystemStackError (stack level too deep)
copied_node = node1.deep_dup


In summary, dup creates a shallow copy of an object, while deep_dup creates a deep copy, duplicating all the objects referenced by the original object as well. It is essential to understand the distinction between these methods to avoid unintended side effects in your code.

Keep in mind that deep_dup is not a built-in Ruby method, and you need to implement it yourself or use a library that provides such functionality if you need it. When using deep_dup, be cautious of circular references and ensure proper handling to prevent infinite recursion.

Understanding the differences between dup and deep_dup will empower you to make informed decisions when dealing with object copying in your Ruby code. Happy coding!